How-To Guides

Course Workload Considerations

How to evaluate and estimate course workload. Estimates provided for readings, assignments and discussions.

Creating an Equitable and Inclusive Classroom Environment

Strategies for creating an equitable and inclusive classroom environment

Weekly Overview & Objectives

How to write weekly overviews and develop weekly objectives in an online course

Readings & Resources

After determining your weekly objectives and assignments, the next step in the development process is to pick out resources that...

Weekly Lesson Content

How to develop lessons and examples of lesson pages

Course Discussions

Developing engaging discussions and examples of online discussion prompts

Course Assignments

Suggestions for creating engaging, aligned, detailed and applied course assignments

Quiz Development

How to develop online quizzes and how to use each type of quiz question.

Scaffolding Research Assignments

How to scaffold research assignments in an accelerated online course.

Using Peer Review in Your Courses

Considerations for using peer review in online courses

Assigning Video Posts or Video Presentations in Your Course

Considerations for video assignments in online courses.

Group Work in Your Course

Considerations for assigning group work in online courses.