
According to the Center for Instructional Technology and Training at the University of Florida (UF), 

A well-designed rubric will not only set a clear blueprint for an assignment, but by defining and clarifying expectations and demonstrating the importance of individual components, it encourages authentic self-assessment by students.”

As the subject matter expert, you will create a rubric for assessing performance on each assignment you develop. Using rubrics helps students to know what is expected of them and it also reduces the number of questions students have about their grades. Here are some general suggestions for creating rubrics (An eLearning team member can provide guidance and assistance if needed):

  • Identify the most important criteria for evaluating work based on the learning objectives related to the assignment.
  • Make sure the rubric relates to the outcomes being measured. It should not reward or penalize students based on skills that aren’t related to the outcome.
  • Create levels of success based on expectations of performance. Make sure the scale fits what you’re trying to measure.
  • Use clear indicators for performance and make sure you use the same terms across the varying levels of performance. This provides a clear basis for assigning scores.
  • Use descriptive language rather than vague words like “satisfactory” or “partially”.
  • Weigh criteria based on their relative importance to the whole assignment e.g. more points are based on content than on spelling.
  • You can use and reuse rubrics or templates for rubrics to help you develop a new one. Please read through UF’s guide on rubrics and review the examples below! 

Each course contains a standard rubric for discussions. This rubric allows instructors to add free-form comments and is already attached to all graded discussions in the course. 

CriteriaDescriptionMax Points
ApplicationExplicitly and thoroughly explains, applies, and integrates a) concepts from this or other courses, b) outside resources or research, c) life experiences, and/or d) processes used to solve problems.30 pts
Critical ThinkingClearly articulates a desire to a) reflect, b) explore possibility, c) recognize ambiguity, d) question assumptions, and/or e) search for logical relationships among ideas. Selects, analyzes, and synthesizes relevant information to demonstrate original thinking.30 pts
CollaborationFosters collaborative learning while a) problem-solving, b) respectfully challenging others, and/or c) expanding thinking through responses and reflection with other learners throughout the week. Builds on classmate and instructor contributions to deepen the conversation.30 pts
PresentationDemonstrates attention to APA/MLA style and structure, adheres to rules of grammar and etiquette, and properly cites references to literature and course materials.10 pts
Total: 100 pts

The eLearning team has a few pre-made assignment rubrics to choose from. You may use these rubrics as they appear or request specific changes.

Here are a few examples of pre-made rubrics. 

 A rubric for brainstorming or peer feedback discussions

CriteriaFull Engagement Developing Engagement Basic Engagement No Engagement Max Points
Assignment GuidelinesFollows all of the assignment guidelines
(30 pts)
Follows most of the assignment guidelines.
(25.5 pts)
Does not follow the assignment guidelines.
(22.5 pts)
Assignment not completed.
(0 pts)
Workshop PurposeAll aspects of the lab/assignment are addressed. All questions are responded to in a thorough, thoughtful, well-developed manner. 
(30 pts)
Demonstrates developing understanding of the workshop’s purpose.
(25.5 pts)
Demonstrates unclear understanding of the workshop’s purpose.
(22.5 pts)
Assignment not completed.
(0 pts)
Writing ConventionsFollows standard conventions of written English in a way that doesn’t impede reading or understanding. Minimal errors are present.
(10 pts)
Follows standard conventions of written English in a way that doesn’t seriously impede reading or understanding, although there are errors present.
(8.5 pts)
Frequent errors in grammar & mechanics impede reading or understanding.
(7.5 pts)
Assignment not completed.
(0 pts)
ParticipationActively contributes to discussion with substantive comments to multiple classmates. Raises questions or provides new information to generate further discussion.
(30 pts)
Contributes to discussion with substantive comments to at least one classmate.
(25.5 pts)
Responds with general agreement or encouragement.
(22.5 pts)
Assignment not completed.
(0 pts)
Total Points: 100

A rubric for writing assignments

CriteriaExceeds ExpectationsMeets ExpectationsNearly Meets ExpectationsDoes Not Meet ExpectationsMax Pts
 ContentThe assignment clearly addresses all aspects of the assignment directions. The ideas contained in it are clear, based in solid logic, and concise at all times. The work provides multiple textual examples and details that clearly support the ideas presented within it. Creative arguments or evaluations are skillfully used to persuade readers and to substantiate logical points.60 ptsThe assignment addresses all aspects of the assignment directions. The ideas contained in it are usually clear, based in logic, and concise. The work provides some textual examples and details to support the ideas presented within it. Good arguments or evaluations are used to persuade readers and to substantiate points.51 ptsThe essay addresses most aspects of the assignment directions. The ideas contained in it are general, lack solid logic and/ or wordy. The work provides few textual examples and details to support the ideas presented within it. Ordinary arguments or evaluations are used to substantiate points.45 ptsThe content of the assignment is unclear making it difficult to read.30 pts60 pts
Style, Voice, Grammar, and Word UsageThe writing engages the reader. The writer uses a clear authoritative voice to convey their expertise. Word usage displays an excellent grasp of the vocabulary related to the subject. No spelling or grammatical errors.20 ptsThe writing engages the reader. The writer uses a clear and appropriate voice to convey their expertise. Word usage displays a good grasp of the vocabulary related to the subject. Few spelling or grammatical errors.17 ptsThe writing fails to engage the reader. The writer lacks a voice and conveys little knowledge. Demonstrates a poor grasp of the vocabulary related to the subject. Several spelling or grammatical errors.15 ptsThe writing does not engage the reader and it is difficult to read. There are many spelling and grammatical errors.12 pts20 pts
 Reference  CitationWriting includes requested number of references from published, reliable literature. All references and citations conform with APA format.20 ptsWriting includes less than the requested number of references from published reliable literature and/or references and citations do not conform with APA format.15 ptsWriting includes less than the requested number of references from published reliable literature and citations are not in correct APA format or are missing.12 pts20 pts

A rubric for programming assignments

CriteriaMeetsNearly MeetsSlightly MeetsDoes Not Meet
Program Specifications, Correctness & ExecutionThe program has no errors, always works correctly and meets the specifications
(59 – 65 points)
The program compiles without errors. The program runs but may have minor problems in logic causing unexpected results or exceptions.
(45-58 points)
The program compiles but only functions correctly in very limited cases.
(39-44 points)
The program does not compile or run.
(0-38 points)
ReadabilityThe code is clean and formatted properly. Code is understandable and well-organized.
(9-10 points)
Minor formatting issues with some inconsistent indentation, use of whitespace, overuse of blank lines, variable naming conventions, or general organization.
(7-8 points)
Major formatting issues with indentation, use of whitespace, use of blank lines, naming conventions, or general organization.
(5-6 points)
No consistency with indentation, use of whitespace, blank lines, naming conventions, or general organization.
(0-4 points)
Code efficiencyNo coding errors and code uses the best approach in every case.
(14-15 points)
Minor errors observed with slight inefficiencies.
(10-13 points)
Many inefficiencies observed in code. Program has repeated blocks of code where one set would suffice.
(8-9 points)
Abundant inefficiencies observed in code. Program has repeated blocks of code where one set would suffice. More efficient code from lessons or text not utilized.
(0-7 points)
DocumentationNo errors. Code is well-commented. Header comment includes name, date, assignment, and description of the module. Classes properly named.
(9-10 points)
One or two places that could benefit from comments are missing them or the code is overly commented. Header comment is partially filled in or classes have slight deviation in naming requirements.
(7-8 points)
Incomplete header comment. Classes not named appropriately and limited commenting throughout.
(5-6 points)
No header comment information. Classes not named appropriately and no commenting aside from template comments.
(0-4 points)

A rubric for case studies

CriteriaMeets ExpectationsApproaching ExpectationsDoes Not Meet ExpectationsPts
UnderstandingDemonstrates a sophisticated understanding of the topic(s) and issue(s).20.0 ptsDemonstrates an accomplished understanding of the topic(s) and issue(s).16.0 ptsDemonstrates an acceptable understanding of the topic(s) and issue(s).13.0 pts20 pts
 AnalysisPresents an insightful and thorough analysis of all issues identified.20.0 ptsPresents a thorough analysis of most issues identified.16.0 ptsPresents superficial analysis of some of the issues identified.13.0 pts20 pts
Making ConnectionsMakes appropriate and powerful connections between the issues identified and the strategic concepts studied in the readings; demonstrates complete command of the strategic concepts and analytical tools studies.20.0 ptsMakes appropriate connections between the issues identified and the strategic concepts studied in the readings; demonstrates good command of the strategic concepts and analytical tools studies.16.0 ptsMakes appropriate but somewhat vague connections between the issues identified and the strategic concepts studied in the readings; demonstrates limited command of the strategic concepts and analytical tools studies.13.0 pts20 pts
Strength of ArgumentsSupports diagnosis and opinions with strong arguments and evidence; presents a balanced and critical view; interpretation is both reasonable and objective.20.0 ptsSupports diagnosis and opinions with reasons and evidence; presents a fairly balanced view; interpretation is both reasonable and objective.16.0 ptsSupports diagnosis and opinions with limited reasons and evidence; presents a somewhat one-sided argument.13.0 pts20 pts
Writing MechanicsWriting demonstrates a sophisticated clarity, conciseness and correctness; includes thorough details and relevant data and information; extremely well organized.20.0 ptsWriting is accomplished in terms of clarity and conciseness and contains only a few errors; includes sufficient details and relevant data and information; well organized.8.0 ptsWriting lacks clarity or conciseness and contains numerous errors; gives insufficient detail and relevant data and information; lacks organization.6.0 pts10.0 pts