Welcome CCO Faculty! This page is your one-stop shop for faculty resources. Get to know our team, review professional development opportunities, quickly access academic policies, procedures and forms, and discover tips, techniques, and best practices for effective online teaching.
Our Team
Academic Advisors
Contact your student’s academic advisor for support around student success.
Click here for a list of Advisors and the programs that they support.
If you notice a student has gone missing, or if a student seems to be struggling academically, reach out to the student to share your concerns and options for re-engagement. Please loop in the student’s Academic Advisor or connect with them directly to initiate wrap-around student support.
If you have well-being or accessibility concerns for a student, please refer the student directly to support resources (listed in the “Who Do I Talk To About…” section here) and loop in the students Academic Advisor as soon as possible.
The assigned Advisor can be found by going to Self-Service, choosing Faculty, and then selecting the appropriate course, hovering over a student’s name, clicking View Full Profile, and accessing Advisor Details. Steps to Find a Student’s Academic Advisor
Program Directors/Deans
Contact your program director or dean when you have questions about your contract, want to discuss course content, or need a copy of a textbook.
- Sergio Tenreiro de Magalhaes, Chief Online Learning Officer
- Email: smagalhaes@champlain.edu / Tel: 802-865-6440
- Mauriella DiTommaso, Program Director, Forensic Programs
- Email: mditommaso@champlain.edu
- Oversees both the Undergraduate Forensics Program (CFDI) and Graduate Forensics Program (DFS)
- John Selig, Program Director, Gaming Programs
- Email: jselig@champlain.edu
- Oversees Undergraduate degrees in Interactive Game Design Program (IGMD) and Game Development (GMDV)
- Lindsey Godwin, Academic Director of Cooperrider Center for Appreciative Inquiry; Lead Faculty, MS in Leadership & ODHR
- Email: godwin@champlain.edu / Tel: 802-860-2796
- Don Haggerty, Senior Integrator of Experiential Learning and Practice & CCO Lead on Faculty Development
- Email: haggerty@champlain.edu / Tel: 802-865-6496
- Benjamin Luthy, Program Director, Cyber Programs
- Email: bluthy@champlain.edu
- Oversees both the Undergraduate Cyber Program (CYBR) and Graduate Cyber Program (OPSC)
- Linda Miller, Part-Time Program Director, Accounting
- Email: lmiller@champlain.edu / Tel: 802-651-5940
- Janet Morrison, Chair – Social Sciences, Integrated Studies, General Education, and Prior Learning Assessment
- Email: morrison@champlain.edu / Tel: 802-651-5826
- Oversees General Education, Psychology, Sociology, and Criminal Justice
- Albert Orbinati, Chair – Business Management
- Email: aorbinati@champlain.edu / Tel: 315-525-6123
- Oversees all business programs at the A.S., B.S., and Master’s level, and oversees PDs of Accounting and Healthcare programs.
- Richard Pickering, Chair – Cybersecurity and Technology Programs
- Email: rpickering@champlain.edu / Tel: 802-383-6299
- Oversees all technology programs
- Daniel Selicaro, Program Director, Technology Program
- Email: dselicaro@champlain.edu / Tel: 802-651-5922
- Oversees Undergraduate degrees in Software Development, Web Design and Development, and Computer Science & Graduate degree in Software Engineering and Project Management
- Lanaya Sandberg, Director & Assistant Professor, Healthcare Programs
- Email: lsandberg@champlain.edu / Tel: 224-422-0812
- Elaine Young, Chair – Marketing, Media, and eSports & Curriculum Innovation Lead
- Email: eyoung@champlain.edu / Tel: 802-865-5413
- Oversees Marketing, Digital Media, and eSports Management B.S. Marketing Analytics M.S., and Grad Marketing Certificate
eLearning & Quality Assurance
Contact eLearning when you need assistance with preparing your course or you have questions about functionality within your course.
General Email: cco-elearning@champlain.edu
- Carolyn Brown, Instructional Designer – Email: carolyn.brown@champlain.edu
- Anne Allen, Senior Course Producer – Email: aallen@champlain.edu / Tel: 802-651-5836
- Beth Dupont, Senior Course Producer – Email: bdupont@champlain.edu
- Laura Elzey, Instructional Designer – Email: lelzey@champlain.edu
- Larraby Fellows, Instructional Designer – Email: lfellows@champlain.edu
- Natasha Jenkins, Senior Instructional Designer – Email: njenkins@champlain.edu
- Nichole Martin, Instructional Designer – Email: nmartin@champlain.edu
- Erin Meenan, Assistant Director, eLearning – Email: meenan@champlain.edu
- Susan Paquette, Senior Course Producer – Email: paqette@champlain.edu / Tel: 802-865-6454
- Laura Wingler, Instructional Designer – Email: lwingler@champlain.edu
Champ Support
Contact Champ Support with questions about email, logging into the Champlain portal, and any other IT-related questions.
- Visit the IT Services Portal/Submit a Help Desk Ticket
- Email: champsupport@champlain.edu
- Tel: 802-860-2710
Canvas 24/7 Support
Contact Canvas 24/7 support with Canvas technical questions or support issues.
- Tel: 1-833-209-6112 : Canvas Support live chat
- Access the Instructor Guides
Development and Training
- Faculty Lounge – Join your colleagues in a monthly discussion about teaching online!
- Professional Development – We will soon be offering three Faculty Development courses (Orientation, Course Management, and Learning) on an ongoing basis. Please reach out to our faculty development coordinator, Don Haggerty for registration information!
- Self-Directed Professional Development – CCO encourages its faculty to engage in an ongoing process of professional development in a way that recognizes the unique situation of every faculty member.
- CCO Faculty Annual Reflection – The self-reflection process is accomplished annually using an online form called the Annual Faculty Reflection. brief Annual Faculty Reflection form provides a vital link between your teaching, professional development as an educator, teaching performance evaluation and your Program Director’s guidance.
- Canvas Instructor Guide
Academic Calendar & Policies
- Academic Calendars & Catalogs
- College Catalog – Find the following current policy information:
- Sexual Misconduct Policy
- Standard of Conduct & Conduct Review Process
- Academic Information and Policies: Course Withdrawals and Incomplete Work
- Incomplete Grade and Grade Change
- Academic Honesty at Champlain College
- Use Self-Service to Submit Grades
- CCO Grading Policy
- CCO Grading Scales
Academic Forms
- Academic Honesty Violation Form
- Request for Incomplete form
- Bias Incident Report Form
- Sexual Misconduct and Title IX Report Form
- Academic Accommodations Form
- Course Maintenance Form – Please use this form to address maintenance issues that include: Typos, Broken links, Assignment clarifications, Rubric adjustments, Resource/Reading updates, Small changes to lesson content, Changes of wording in overview/lesson/discussion/assignment, and Quiz questions/answers updates.
Teaching Expectations and Best Practices
Teaching FAQs
What are the primary factors that determine “who teaches what?”
When Program Directors are determining who will be offered teaching contracts for courses, they consider teaching experience/performance, professional experience and academic history. They look for instructors who excel at connecting with adult learners in the online environment, and have rich professional experiences that align with course content.
What are the primary factors that determine course availability and scheduling?
Course availability/scheduling is a balancing act that begins long before instructors are invited to teach. When we are determining what courses to offer and when, we seek to maximize value and the learning experience for our students, and do what we can to also reduce cost. Courses are scheduled based on anticipated student need as determined by the requirements of the degree and certificate programs. Typically fewer courses are scheduled in the summer terms because students often decide to enjoy summer and take a break from schoolwork.
What advice would you give to new online instructors?
The desire to teach others and give back are important qualities. There is a correlation between instructors taking an active interest in students, and the students’ overall experience in courses. Practicing patience also helps. We find the simple acts of understanding and working with students pay dividends for them over time. Finally, utilize the Faculty Lounge – the forum where we can solve problems and build standards across programs. The more we communicate as a team, the better it will ultimately be for our students.
How do I find out where my course fits in a CCO program?
Here is a listing of all of our programs. You’ll see the course under the ‘Program Details’ section.
Where can I learn more about the different types of plagiarism?
What do we use to check for plagiarism in our courses?
Turnitin is a web-based software tool used by Champlain College to verify the originality of student submissions. The tool compares each submission against other papers previously submitted through Turnitin, textbooks, news and magazine articles, scholarly journals, and web pages (current and archived). It is turned on for every writing assignment. Here is information on how to interpret similarity reports.
What types of Academic Coaching and Support are available to our students?
Please refer to our Online student support page for information about tutoring and academic support.
What are CCOs Academic Values?
There are five CCO Academic Values that stand behind its development of curriculum and delivery of quality learning experiences to its students.