Faculty & SMEs: How to Record Video Using Canvas Studio

You can use Studio, a tool in Canvas, to record webcam and/or screen capture video.

  1. Log into your Canvas course.

  2. Click the Studio icon in the far lefthand global navigation menu bar.

    Canvas Studio Icon

  3. In the upper righthand corner, click RECORD and select Screen Capture.

    Important: Even if you plan to only record with your webcam, please select Screen Capture.

    Studio Record Options with Screen Capture highlighted

  4. If this is the first time you are using Studio, you will be prompted to install the Screen Capture Application. Click the Download button, and select Yes to install the app.

    Download Screen Capture Application

    For Mac Users, see Canvas Studio – Installing Screen Recorder Software.

  5. After installing the app, re-launch Screen Capture from the RECORD menu, and click Open Screen Recorder Launcher v2.0.

    Open Screen Recorder Launcher

  6. In the Record window, select Screen, Webcam, or Both. If you only want to record with your webcam, select Webcam.

    Studio Record Window

  7. Use either 1080p or 720p for Size. Make sure your content is captured within the recording boundary lines.

  8. Click the red Rec button. A three second countdown will begin.

    Studio Record Button

  9. To stop recording, click the Pause button.

    Studio Recording Pause button

  10. Click the Done button.

    Recording Done button

  11. In the Preview window, drag the left and right tabs to select the section of the recording that will be published.

    Trim recording tabs

  12. In the Upload window, give your recording a Title (mandatory) and a Description (optional).

    Upload window for Studio recording

  13. Click the Upload button.

  14. When the recording has been successfully uploaded to Studio, click the Continue button.

    Upload Successful - Continue Button

  15. Your video recording will appear in your Studio library.

    My Library recordings

    Note: Although your video is uploaded, it will take time to fully process. Initially, your video may look pixelated while the processing takes place.

  16. Click on the video to open it, and click on Captions.

    At the No Captions Added prompt, click Request.

    Canvas Studio No Captions Yet Request or Upload

  17. At the Captions Request prompt, select English for the language and click Request.

  18. In the ellipse menu located to the right of the Not Published button, select Review and Publish and edit your captions.

    Canvas Studio Not Published Prompt Review and Publish

  19. After you have edited your captions, scroll to the top of your captions and click the Publish button.

    Canvas Studio Publish button

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Additional Canvas Studio Articles

Faculty: How to Post a Studio Video to a Canvas Announcement

Faculty: How to Post a Studio Video to a Canvas Discussion